Our research focuses on investigating novel optical phenomena in micro and nanoscale structures and exploring their applications in optical communication, signal processing, computing, quantum information, and biochemical sensing.

Specific research areas include:

  • Silicon photonics and photonic integrated circuits
  • Nanoplasmonics
  • Nonlinear integrated photonics
  • Topological photonics
  • Quantum photonics


Some recent publications from our group:

All-Bands-Flat Floquet topological insulators

Nonlinear All-Bands-Flat Floquet topological photonic insulator with ultrawide edge state continuum

in Topological Optics and Nonlocal Metasurfaces, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Charlotte, NC, May 6, 2024 (paper FM2N.5)


Quantum Photonics in Topological systems

Resonance-Enhanced Entangled Photon Pair Generation Using Topological Floquet Defect Mode Resonance

Nonlinear Quantum Photonics 1 session, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May 12, 2023 (paper FF1L.3)

This work reports the first demonstration of entangled photon pair generation by resonance-enhanced spontaneous four-wave mixing in a silicon photonic topological resonator.


Non-Abelian photonics

N-band photonic Hopf insulators based on 2D microring lattices

We reported the first photonic implementation of an N-band Hopf topological insulator using 2D microring lattices.  This is also the first work which establishes 2D microring lattices as a versatile platform for realizing non-Abelian photonic systems.  Non-Abelian photonic systems exhibit novel effects that can be exploited for applications in quantum information.

Optics Letters, 49, 5128-5131 (2022)


Nonlinear topological photonics

Enhanced frequency generation by Four-Wave Mixing in a topological photonic resonator

We reported the first demonstration of resonance-enhanced frequency generation by Four-Wave Mixing in a silicon Floquet topological photonic insulator.  The nonlinear frequency generation process is enhanced by Floquet Defect Mode Resonance, with Q-factor reaching 105.

APL Photonics7, 056104 (2022)


Topological resonators

Floquet Defect Mode Resonance (FDMR)

We reported a new resonance phenomenon based on the self-interference of a bulk mode in a Floquet topological photonic lattice.  The resonance is excited by introducing a periodic perturbation to the drive sequence of the Floquet system.

APL Photonics6, 116101 (2021)


Topological photonic insulators

Anomalous Floquet Insulator

We demonstrated the first anomalous Floquet topological photonic insulator on a nanophotonic platform using 2D microring lattice.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 253601 (2020)